Bodriggy Health Centre welcomes comments, compliments, concerns and complaints. We always aim to provide the best care we can. However, we know that sometimes things can go wrong. When this happens we believe that it is often most effective to sort problems out quickly and informally. Please talk to any member of staff if you have a problem or concern.
Click on the links below to view the Practice Complaints Leaflet and to download a copy of the Complaint Form:-
If you want to make a formal complaint, please contact the Practice Manager Eleanor McCallum (for administrative or general complaints) or Dr Will Hart (for clinical complaints). You can do this in writing, by email, by telephone or in person. The contact details are:-
Eleanor McCallum (Practice Manager)
(General or Administrative Complaints)
Dr Will Hart (Clinical Complaints)
Bodriggy Health Centre
60 Queensway
TR27 4PB
Tel. 01736 753136